And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
28 February, 2009
Children :)
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
25 February, 2009
Energy Conservation and Saving money on your next electricity bill

Reduce your electricity consumption with these energy conservation tips Po
If you pay the hydro bill directly, or if it is included in your rent or you are environmentally conscious, here are my tips to lower your hydro bills, most of which I have enacted, cutting my usage from about 13 or 14 kwh per day down to about 6 kwh (Or a reduction from over 400 kwh per month to under 250):
1. Turn off lights when not in use. Use "task lighting" rather than lighting the whole room unnecessarily for close work.
2. Replace incandescent lamps, (ie. regular light bulbs) with compact fluorescent lights. While more expensive to purchase, (prices continue to drop and they are now under $4 each in packages of 2 to 6 lamps.) they pay for themselves with time, taking 1/4 of the power and having a life of 7 to 10 times a long. They also generate much less heat which is a big bonus during the summer. You will get full life expectancy out of these lamps in open fixtures where the air can circulate and you will get a shorter life in a fully enclosed light fixture due to somewhat higher temperatures lowering the life of the internal electronic circuitry.
NOTE: do NOT use fluorescent lamps where it can get wet or in places of very high humidity like bathrooms because you do not want moisture getting into the electronics.
3. If you are going to use incandescent lamps, (ie. regular light bulbs,) use them with a light dimmer, so that when you don't need as much light you can dim the lights and use less power.
4. Dust your lamps and light fixtures with the power off. Even a thin layer of dust reduced light levels.
5. Unless absolutely necessary, use a fan rather than an air conditioner during the summer. Of course if you have asthma or other respiratory problems, a heart condition, or are a senior, your health is most important and you should continue to use your air conditioner. But you can always decide to lower the settings on the air conditioner from high to medium or low and set the temperature a bit higher.
6. Use window shades to reduce or block sunlight and heat during the summer, particularly if you have windows that receive direct sunlight.
7. Computers and particularly laser printers can really run up your power bills. Keep your printer turned off using the switch on the printer, when not in use. Some printers take as much power as 660 watts, the same as keeping a small microwave oven cooking continuously! We all have a tendency to keep the computer on if we are not using it because we don't want to wait a couple of minutes to boot up again, but if you are going to be away from the computer for a hour turn it off as you will save more power in that hour than that used to power one 14 watt compact fluorescent lamp for 24 hours.
8. While there are many small items you will not want to ever turn off such as clocks or perhaps your telephone answering machine, they are costing you too. A 7 watt clock or answering machine, adds up to 0.168 kWh per day. But there are many items which never turn off, they stay in standby mode eating up power. Examples are TV's, Video Cassette recorders, DVD players and Cable TV converters, though you might decide you want to keep your VCR or DVE player plugged in all the time if you don't want to reset their clocks. Each of these items eat up power, but by putting them on a power bar with a power switch (with prices starting at $5 each) you can often save in excess of 0.6 kWh per day (20 kwh/month). NOTE: If you have pay-TV services, particularly pay-per-view, you will want to keep your cable television converter powered up at all times, otherwise the cable company's system may have to reset you as a pay-user each time you turn the power back on to the converter,
9. Have a hairdrier? Use it sparingly and don't use the maximum heat setting, not only will you save energy, but your scalp will thank you!
10. Thaw, or partially thaw, frozen foods in the refrigerator before cooking.
11. Small appliances use less power than larger ones. Save money by using a microwave oven rather than a regular electric oven/stove. Use an electric kettle rather than a stovetop one. If you are buying a toaster, don't buy an extra long slot one, if you aren't going to use the extra long slots, because the extra energy / heat is just going to be wasted going up the open space. Cooking with a microwave oven typically uses less than half the energy of an electric stove/oven because it wastes less heat something to think about on a sweltering hot summer day. All that heat being given off of the stove is wasted energy. Of course there is a possible big downside to this, read: Microwave Ovens destroy food nutrients, Globe and Mail newspaper October 17, 2003. On the other hand, over cooking foods using regular ovens can also destroy nutrients.
12. When cooking do not open the door if it is possible to examine the food by looking through the window. You can turn off the heat a couple of minutes before the food is ready for stove-top cooking and several minutes in the oven to save money. Also remember to match the size of any pots or skillets you use on electric stove elements.
13. While I as a tenant have no control over what type of refrigerator the landlord supplies me with, only that it be a working one, when my 1985 "Energy Saver" was replaced (after breaking down in 2003) with a modern Energy Saver, it immediately saved me almost 1 kWh per day. Of course it will cost me in other ways since the landlord will include the cost of the new fridge in his costs when applying for any rent increase. But if there needs to be a replacement anyways, it might as well be a modern "Energy Saver" appliance.
14. Refrigerators: Keep the refrigerator section at between 2C and 5C (36 to 42° F,) and the freezer at -18C (0° F). These temperatures help ensure food safety, but lowering the temperatures further only wastes power. Don't overcrowd the fridge or freezer, freezers should not be more than 2/3's full. It is important that the refrigerator door closes tightly and forms a tight seal, otherwise, warm air will get in and the unit will have to work harder to keep things cool, costing more energy. If you can put a piece of paper between the door and the gasket and can easily pull the paper out when the door is closed, the gasket is probably worn out and should be replaced. Keep your fridge and the seal around the fridge door clean. Also, don't spend time and waste electricity by "grazing" in front of the refrigerator with the door open to browse through its contents.
15. Do at least two electricity audits of your home, one for the coldest month and one for the hottest. How much power are you using and where can you save? Remember: some of these items though turned on may not be on or fully on during their use but may cycle on an off such as Air Conditioners, etc. and their power usage is less in reality, than if you assume they are fully powered at all times
22 February, 2009
Genesis the Foundation

Rev Bill Eng preached on Genesis today. Sounded a little apologetic but surely an interesting approach. I will highlight a few interesting points that we all should ponder upon.
Gen 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
A statement of faith, there is no reason given.
Our attitude towards the Book of Genesis is utmost important. How we accept Genesis will determine how we accept the rest of the Bible. Adam was the first man, Jesus is the second Adam. If we cannot believe in the first Adam, how can we believe in the second Adam? If Adam is a legend, well, that would conclude that Jesus is a legend as well. It is utmost important that we believe in the Book of Genesis.
The Book of Genesis gave the account of creation, life, death, marraige, family, kingdom, nation, government, culture, sex, shame, moral, sin, knowledge of good and bad. God set the rules here in Genesis. It is here the answer to the beginning of things. You asked about why there is marraige; the answer is in Genesis. You asked why we wear clothing, the answer is here in Genesis; you asked why killing another is considered bad, the answer is here in Genesis.
Genesis is the foundation of our faith. The enemy had been very busy trying to destroy this foundation. He speak lies and deceive man into a ridiculous state of unbelieve.
The atheist do not believe in God. But it really takes equal level of faith to NOT BELIEVE in God as it takes to BELIEVE in God.
We need to pray, pay more attention and give due respect to this Book of Genesis.
21 February, 2009
20 February, 2009
19 February, 2009

When travelers set out on a long trip to little known lands, they need to research as much as they can about their final destination, and how to get there safely. To do this, they need to look for as much hard fact and information as they can gather. This would involve reading books, studying maps and speaking to people who have gone on the same journey. Sometimes the travelers may even hire a guide who knows this facts, and who can help them to achieve their aim.
I guess it is very much the same on our journey with the Lord. Our destination Heaven. Aim, External Life with God. My reading book, God's Word. One who went before, Jesus. My guide, Holy Spirit.
15 February, 2009
Heart of Worship

Bro. El'berd did a wonderful job at church today teaching the church music team on Worship. He also played a video clips of Paul Baloche teaching on music and worship.
I was expecting all the Leviticus & priestly responsibilities and blah, blah, blah.. but I did hear from the Lord during the teaching. Both Bro. El'berd and Paul Baloche stressed on Rom 12.1.
Rom 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
The part that speaks very strongly to me is "which is your reasonable service". I really cannot articulate it but it tells me that God really looks so deep within, He requires each of us, sacrificial living, a lifestyle that is poured out for the Lord as a sacrifice, in every little bit we do daily, our speech, our little actions, submitting to the Lord in worship. And it boils down to our heart, the condition of our heart, we truly need a heart of worship. If we have a heart of worship, we will render that true worship to our dear Lord. And hence "our reasonable service" will come easy. And this time no pride can destroy it.
12 February, 2009
The Tongue

The Bible described the tongue in at least eight different manner. Five evil descriptions and only three good.
The evil descriptions are :
(1) razor-Psalm 52: 2,
(2) fire-James 3:6,
(3) poison-James 3:8,
(4) sword-Psalm 64:3,
(5) arrow- Jeremiah 9:8.
The good descriptions are :
(1) silver- Proverbs 10:20,
(2) health- Proverbs 12;18,
(3) tree of life- Proverbs 15:4
I wondered how many times we use our tongue for evil rather than good. Mmmm... As I come to a conclusion, I finds that the man's heart is indeed deceitfully evil.
God have mercy on us. :(
Col 4:6
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
10 February, 2009
JOY of the Lord
We had our Indonesian Maid's Chinese New Year Gathering last Friday. Had a great turn out of 16 Indon ladies. These Indon ladies work around here in Kluang as domestic maids or as factory workers. Two of them have married to locals and have families here. Everyone was happy during the party. Thanks to the good food, good fun and good company.
Half of these ladies are Christians and the other half have yet to know the Lord. A quick glance over them and you can quickly see a distinct difference.
Those whom have yet to know the Lord dresses beautifully and are with much make-up. Dressed to kill !
And those whom know the Lord, dress simply but also smartly. Couldn't describe them as being dressed to kill but noticed a very pleasant Joy of the Lord in them, on their faces which the other ladies do not have. A special aura. No make-up required, but still very beautiful and pleasant. The warmth and the joy catches on so easily although they do not know each other before.
Indeed the Joy in the Lord is for all those whom know and loved Him. Better than pretty clothing and make-up. :)
08 February, 2009
Red Cliff

"草船借箭" ("Straw boat borrows arrows")
The Lord Jesus teaches us to be as gentle as a dove yet be as shrewd as a serpent.
Mat 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
07 February, 2009
Hurt - Forgiveness

Colossians 3:13 (NIV)
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
What do you do if you are terribly hurt by someone? Maybe someone that is so close to you. The wound is so deep and terribly painful. A mere mention of the person, flares a fire of anger in you. You see the person from afar, and subconsciously you walk away. And even if the person is death and no longer around, the unforgiveness lives on.
The Lord said in His Word that we should bear with one another and forgive one another over the trespasses in our life. Can that really be possible?
I come to realised that there are too many hurting people around us. Even among the many whom have already known the Lord and already are in the church, but they still harbor unforgiveness in them. Deep unforgiveness. I was lost for words as I come to know some of these deep unforgiveness.
Rom 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
No men is perfect. We all have sinned. We all hurt someones else along the way. I pray that we will know and that we seek forgiveness, and not allow the other person harbor unforgiveness in his heart.
Unforgiveness is a deception if the enemy. It cripple us. It cripple us so strongly. It create so much heartache and it robs away our good blessings from the Lord. Worse of all it cripple us, causing us to live in sin forever.
I pray that the Lord be merciful. Teach us to forgive. Give us strength to forgive.
01 February, 2009

by Betty Miller
Proverbs 20:1 (KJV):
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1 (AMP):
Wine is a mocker, strong drink a riotous brawler, and whoever errs or reels because of it is not wise.
The Bible has much to say about many subjects; and drinking alcoholic beverages is one of them. There is a debate in religious circles in regard to the question - was the wine in the Bible referring to grape juice or fermented grape juice, which is alcoholic in nature? To answer this question we must study the original language in which the Bible was written.
Actually, there are fifteen words from the Hebrew and Greek languages, which are translated "wine" in the Bible. When we compare these words in the context in which they are used we can better understanding their scriptural meanings.
The first scripture in which wine is mentioned is found in the book of Genesis. The Hebrew word used there is "yayin." It always means fermented wine, primarily from grapes.
Genesis 9:20-21:
20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
Noah could not have become drunk by drinking grape juice, so we must assume he drank an alcoholic beverage made from the grapes of his vineyard.
The New Testament word translated wine is usually the Greek word "oinos." We also find in the New Testament the account of Jesus performing his first miracle which was turning water into wine. You can read the entire account of this miracle in John 2: 1-11.
9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,
10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.
Notice in verse 10 the comment that men usually served the good wine first and kept the wine that was not as good to be served lastly so that its quality was not noticed. This had to be a reference to fermented wine, as the alcoholic content of the wine would be more inclined to cause them not to notice bad wine later in the evening after they had a few drinks.
There are many other references to wine throughout the Bible showing that it is actually an alcoholic drink. Now with this scriptural evidence, comes the next question. Is it sinful to drink wine? The answer to this question is that the wine itself is not sinful, because sin is in the heart of man and does not exist in any object of itself. It is the drunkenness and intoxication that comes about when a man drinks too much that causes him sin. The Bible teaches discipline and moderation; even eating too much food is a sin and is called the sin of gluttony in the Bible.
The scripture in Proverbs 20:1 warns us what wine and strong drink can do to a man. Men can end up raging and brawling and doing things in a drunken stupor that are very unwise and that they will also regret. How many times have we heard the expression when someone talks unwisely after drinking too much -- "That was the alcohol talking." The Bible does make a distinction, as to the affect that strong drinks (alcoholic beverages like whiskey, vodka, etc.) have on a person, as opposed to wine, showing that the strong alcoholic drinks are far worse at causing men to become out of their heads and violent. The wine is bad enough, as it can cause men to loose their senses and mock others. People will also mock them for their out of control inebriation.
So what should our position be as Christians since we know the many sorrows that drunkenness causes? We know that alcoholism is responsible for many broken homes because of the abusive behavior toward family and others. We know the many deaths on our highways caused by drinking and driving. What about the many premature deaths caused by health problems stemming from alcoholism? Alcoholism has now become a costly drug addiction problem. Yes, drunkenness is a very evil sin that hurts the whole nation. The Bible says all drunkards who do not repent will not inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Although, a Christian may be free to drink moderately as long as they do not become drunk, is that the highest thing we should do? Paul stated in the New Testament that he would not allow his liberty to be a license to sin, nor would he do anything that would cause a brother to stumble.
Galatians 5:13: "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another."
1 Corinthians 8:9: "But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak."
In the Old Testament there was a group of people known as Nazarites that took a vow to separate themselves unto the Lord and therefore they would not drink any wine or alcoholic beverages.
Numbers 6:2-3: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When either man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to separate themselves unto the LORD: He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried."
We must all give an account of ourselves before our Lord. What would please Him? Would it not be pleasing to Him if we loved others enough to give up those things we could have, for a greater cause? Would it not be a more powerful witness to others in our age to stand out as one who did not drink alcoholic beverages because we had no need to do so. When we are filled with the Spirit of God, His spirit gives us the joy and release that many are seeking by drinking. May we instead desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have no need for "spirits."
Ephesians 5:18-20:
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the liberty we have in Christ. Help us not to judge one another in regard to the issue of drinking a little wine, but rather to be honest before You as to the issue in our own hearts in this regard. May we be a good witness before those in the world. When we make our choices in this life, may they be pleasing to You and show love to those around us. You told us the highest law is the law of love. We are first to love You, and then, to love one another. May we do this in word and deed. Keep us from temptation and sin and let our actions prove to the world that we are true Christians. Deliver those who are addicted to alcohol and who are in this snare of the devil. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.