12 February, 2009

The Tongue

The Bible described the tongue in at least eight different manner. Five evil descriptions and only three good.

The evil descriptions are :
(1) razor-Psalm 52: 2,
(2) fire-James 3:6,
(3) poison-James 3:8,
(4) sword-Psalm 64:3,
(5) arrow- Jeremiah 9:8.

The good descriptions are :
(1) silver- Proverbs 10:20,
(2) health- Proverbs 12;18,
(3) tree of life- Proverbs 15:4

I wondered how many times we use our tongue for evil rather than good. Mmmm... As I come to a conclusion, I finds that the man's heart is indeed deceitfully evil.
God have mercy on us. :(

Col 4:6

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

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