24 March, 2009

Worship 2 - Kasher & Yosher

Rom 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Bro Elberd preached on Worship last Sunday. Wow, seems like there is no end to worship sermons.

He preached from Roman 12:1 where worship is when we present our bodies as the living temple of the Holy Ghost, and our lifestlye as our living sacrifice unto God.

Worship has to be wholesome, integrated for our God is ONE.

Kasher - to do what is fit and proper. What we do. i.e. to serve, to give, to love, to pray, to help, to work, ....

Yosher - to do thing straight. Do what is right, the right way. Right attitude Why we do. i.e. do willingly, give cheerfully, hope faithfully, pray unceasingly, love sacrificially, serve excellently.

When we worship God with our body and lifestyle, we do it with "Kasher" and also "Yosher". Need both. No good if one trait is missing.

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