By default, Father, Mother and Wife, you had made it into my mentor honour list by default. As I ponder over my mentors, many faces came to my mind. People who came into my life at different phases of my life. I praise the Lord for these people. Special people that God sent into my life and make me into what I am today.
University days at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

- Israel Lee Yik Sheng, we were both freshmen at UKM back in 1996, we stayed at the same hostel. Israel is an extremely extraordinary chap. His name itself sounded weird for a Malaysian student at UKM. Israel has an enormous zeal for Jesus and love for people. He is also an astounding intellect. Being a freshman, first year in
college, he do not seems to fear men, and was moving freely around the campus preaching Jesus to all who care to give him the opportunity to do so. Israel brought my wife Siew Choo and myself to church. Israel has no vehicle in the campus, he would walk and walk and walk to visit people. He taught me to pray boldly for people. His zeal for the Lord and the love for people has influenced me greatly. Israel is a well built, tall, athletic, smart and good looking but he is humble and gentle. I remember following him moving around the hostel, knocking on rooms, offering to pray for students who are totally tensed up during the exam weeks. Well done Israel. You have impacted many and myself, God will surely bless you richly.

- Peter Chen Heng Peng. Peter is another most extraordinary person whom I respected very much. I thank God that I had the opportunity to know Peter and was his friend. We were both in the engineering faculty at UKM. He was doing electrical
engineering while I was doing chemical engineering. We become good friends and later even became housemates in a small flat at Bandar Baru Bangi. Peter has a nerdy look, with thick rim spectacles. An absolutely simple person, extremely humble, very helpful, intelligent, diligent and loved the Lord very very much. A person with many many skills and talents. I was astound when I realised that this nerdy first year student can study so well untirelessly, rides a two cylinder antique motorcycle and yet still can plays a guitar and sing beautifully. He knew the Lord in an most intimate manner and always prays. He is meek and serve others almost readily and in a selfless manner. He never complains. Peter earn much awe from course-mates, a great leader and is a resemblance of our Lord Jesus as a servant leader. Peter graduates, got married and became very successful in life. Peter taught me meekness, patience, servant-hood. He also showed me how to have an intimate relationship with the Lord. Peter influenced me much during the four short years we spent at UKM. Bravo Peter, God bless you.
- Henry Drieberg, another extraordinary fellow with a Dutch heritage. Henry is my two years my junior in university. He is also studying Chemical Engineering. A young man but a great leader who loves the Lord. Henry is a practical person and real. Henry teaches me to be real and faces the ugly reality with boldness and strength.