01 August, 2011


Last Sunday, Pastor Victor preached about mentors. His preaching styles is most extraordinary, full of lah, loh, mah, meh, hah. Hardly English. He even said that if you cut him open, teh tarik will flow out. So much gestures, and even added in a song. And yet he claimed that he is an introvert!!

Well, I don't think he had actually preached that day, but I still like how he shared about his mentors. It made me thought about my mentors.

I am an introvert myself, I don't think there are many mentors in my life. But hey, praise the Lord, on hind sight and when I started naming them, there are actually quite a number of people that come into my life. They actually came during different stages of my life and had impacted me to be what I am today. Well, thinking further, I actually feel like wanting to honour them by listing them out. Will do that on my next post.

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