While we are constantly reminded of the rise in overall crime occurring in the country,the worrying fact is the increasing crimes committed by children who are under 18 years old.
Facts as reported by media
- IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan said criminal cases involving juveniles, aged between 13 and 18 y/o, have been on the rise.
- There were 2,218 cases last year, compared with 1,836 in 2007 (1/4, Star Online). These cases involved 3,725 students of which 3,629 were between the ages of 13 and 18. They were linked to serious cases such as murder, rape and break-ins.
- Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, vice chairman of Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation, said 295 students were caught in the first two months of 2009 (5/4).
- In Pahang, a total of 202 students were arrested in 2008 for 147 criminal cases, ranging from rape amd molest to rioting and extortion.
- In the first two months of 2009 alone, 51 students were detained for involvement in 25 cases (22/4).
- Recently, police picked up 23 "punk" and skinhead teenagers in an operation in Pudu. "Most of them were high on alcohol," said Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman (27/4, NST Online).
- According to a recent survey jointly conducted by the Youth Research & Development Institute of Malaysia and Psychology Research & Development Centre of Malaysia, 87% of Mat Rempit were those between 14 and 25. 48.1% of them indulged in illegal activities out of boredom, while 38% did it to fill their time. Another 27.8% due to peer pressure (1/4).
- A few days ago, some 20 Mat Rempit attacked and robbed a deaf girl at a petrol kiosk (26/4, Star Online)
- Statistics show that the number of girls below 16 engaging in sexual activities has increased. 60% had sex because they "wanted revenge" on their parents (27/4).
- Statistics from 2005 to 2008 showed 75% of the rape victims were below 18 and at least 60% of them were below 16.
- Boys below 18 made up between 8.4% and 13.6% of the 'rapists' (27/4)
- Lack of morals and values are major reasons for the increase in crime.
- Emotional development in young people is being neglected.
- The demise of family life and the increase in family violence.
- Family breakdown, especially when parents contradict each other, provides no clear moral lead.
- Lack of parental supervision and father figure as role model.
- Growing incident of child abuse and child neglect
- "Boredom, low self-esteem and anger at the parents lead them to be Hells-Angels."
- Insufficient penalty for delinquent acts.
- Poverty: teenagers commit crime in response to failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, or as a rejection to middle-class values.
- Other risk factors: repeated exposure to violence, drugs, frustration or failure in school, delinquent peer groups, and media violence.
- Heavy exposure to internet or televised violence may be one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime and violence in society.
I read the above report with sadness. These younger generation of our is so dear to us and yet we seems to be losing them. Dear Lord, do forgive us.
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