I took leave from work today to work on my long due assignment from the university. Since I did not had a late night before, I actually woke up early today. I make a trip to the neighbourhood mamak store for my breakfast. I took time to savour in the nasi lemak and teh panas. I even linger and enjoy the morning cool breeze. Then I observed the people around me. Many factory workers are happily chatting. Then they hurried off to work. It is 8 am in the morning.
I reflected on God's promised good life for us. Indeed the world has much good stuff that it can offer to us. I actually enjoy the breakfast experience which is not hurried, the cool morning breeze is soothing and friendly people chatting sounded like heaven.
But in reality, many people did not enjoy life as we all shoould. Saw on the Facebook just now that a young friend commented on his frustration. He commented "CRAP !!", another commented "Life is full of crap", and another commented "totally agreed".
Such comments sadden me. I remembered that God never promised a crap life for us but a abundant life. Many are not receiving this good life. We need to received it.
I give thanks to God for the wisdom to take leave from work and reflect on Him. A simply breakfast experience can be enjoyable.
No more being a loser and living a defeated life. I want a victorious life.
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