I traveled frequently to Mumbai, Vadodara and Karamsad for business between 2006 to 2008. Along these journeys, I would always take note of the people and scenes around me. I took particular notice of the many slums that I passes by. I would ask the locals, where do these slum people find water or sanitary? They always answer, "don't know". They do not like to be associated with the slum people. I felt upset for that the locals are not caring for their people. Once I took some pics of children begging on the streets. My host then said, "Why take these pictures, I will bring you to some nice places for pictures". Yes, many of these scenes are hard to believe or accept in India for the present modern age. But it is true. I have no problem with the poverty as I was also poor before but I do have a problem with the attitude of the local people who couldn't care less for their own people.
Watch Slumdog Millionaire, and your will see exactly what it is. Scenes are superb. There is no need for props or make believe scenery. It is all there as it is, places, scenery, people and all.
Great movie. Thumbs up.
Perhaps this is the reason why there is so much poverty here in Malaysia too. Caste system is also problematic for them.